The Billionaire’s Impulsive Lover

The Billionaire’s Impulsive Lover | The Sisterhood Trilogy

The Billionaires Impulsive Lover by Elizabeth Lennox

Claire Johnson is brilliant, creative and loyal. But she’s going to get into serious trouble if she’s not careful. When she breaks into Mitch Sargent’s company files, he’s determined to put the culprit into jail. 

But when he suspects Claire is the hacker, he’s just wants to find out why a blond bombshell would do something so insane.

When he finds out she’s trying to find an ex-boyfriend, a man he suspects is not the man she thinks he is, Mitch is determined to find the man and show Claire that his rival is a fraud. He’ll then have Claire for himself!

In Claire’s mind, it’s all about trust. 

Trusting her instincts, trusting men and trusting Mitch.

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